Signal Strength Indicator in Swift

Maksym Bilan
1 min readJan 22, 2018

I would like to tell about a UI component, which shows an indicator of the connectivity, like a standard iOS cellular indicator. Maybe be helpful for somebody. The control has simple customization: color, edges, spacing.



pod 'SignalStrengthIndicator'


Copy SignalStrengthIndicator.swift to your project.


There is an example in the repository. The example shows how to add the control via storyboard (Interface Builder). Also, I can easily add via code.

let indicator = SignalStrengthIndicator()// Set up frameview.addSubview(indicator)

For controling the level of the indicator you need to use the following property:

indicator.level = .good

There is 6 cases of indication:

enum Level: Int {
case noSignal
case veryLow
case low
case good
case veryGood
case excellent



indicator.color = UIColor.gray

Spacing between bars:

indicator.spacing = 5


indicator.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10)

The example and source code of the UI control you can find here.



Maksym Bilan

Software Engineer at @MySwimPro |  swift/objc/c++ | 🇺🇦 | family 👨‍👩‍👧 | swimmer 🏊‍♂️ | optimist ⚡️ | superhero for my 👧